Shades of Wicked by Jeaniene Frost | Holiday Mashup

Romance at a Glance is a podcast where hosts Bridget and Shani review romance novels and interview some of romance’s biggest authors diving into candid conversations about life, relationships, and sexual desires. Expect 100% honest reviews, spontaneous singing, life lessons, indecent anecdotes, and bawdy humor. Leave us a rating and review on iTunes.

Full transcript available below.

Book Review at a Glance

Worth the Read?

Shani: ⭐⭐⭐

Bridget: ⭐⭐⭐

Heroine Rating: Veritas

Shani: 🍑🍑🍑

Bridget: 🍑🍑🍑

Hero Rating: Ian

Shani: 🍆🍆🍆

Bridget: 🍆🍆🍆

McDreamy to Mc Steamy:

Shani: McSteamy

Bridget: McNasty

Classy to Nasty:


Romance at a Glance Reviews Shades of Wicked by Jeaniene Frost

aka Master sex god vampire vs buttoned-up ancient law guardian

Full disclosure - we didn't read the books in the prior trilogy, not realizing how heavily they featured Ian! But, while we missed their initial meeting, it didn't end up mattering in our enjoyment of the book! 

Some major points we discussed: 

  • Cock ring of silver — we discussed, at length

  • Ian is kinky, he liked pain with his sex

  • Orgy at the beginning is where Veritas finds him!

  • Veritas and Ian fight and it gives him a boner - makes her stop fighting him cause he’s enjoying it too much ;)

  • Veritas is a badass and ancient, and understandably confused why Ian is so powerful when he is so “young” (ie 100s of yrs old vs 1000s!)

  • Love that they are both very guarded and start to open up to each other throughout the book.

  • Veritas makes ian jump into the ice-cold waterfall only to find the magic hangout has moved. SO FUNNY.

  • Veritas gets drunk and tells all her secrets (WHAT THE FUCK???)

  • So the Sex was hot animalistic sex. The two tongue spell when he is kissing her and eating her out at the same time! Ummmmm, yes please!

    • They keep breaking stuff and secretly paying for it. Who am I to know how hard vamps get it but they got it. POUND TOWN 

  • Ian dying for Veritas was the saddest moment, it got me. I knew it was coming and it got me. 

  • Dagon being alive at the end

  • Ends on a cliffhanger we didn’t see coming!

  • The book tended to be predictable.

Quick Guide Review of the Book and Notes

Book Title: Shades of Wicked

Author: Jeaniene Frost

Audio Narrator: Tavia Gilbert - Shani recommended!

Part of a Series: Yes, Night Rebel Book 1

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Cover Art: Liked the colors - definitely got the paranormal feel from the cover and abs never hurt anybody on a cover ;)


Content warnings - rape/abuse in both characters past, freeing a captive blood slave, violence, MC fight each other, parental neglect

Master vampire Ian is unrepentant, shameless…and every shade of wicked. He’s made one too many enemies in his two centuries of existence, including Dagon, a demon who now lays claim to his soul. Ian’s only chance to escape Dagon is to join forces with a Law Guardian, but he’s never been able to abide by the rules for long.

The Law Maker

Veritas’ normal role is police, judge and jury to reprobates like Ian. But she has her own ax to grind with Dagon, so if she can use Ian as bait…well, all’s fair in law and war. As they scour supernatural hotspots to perfect their trap, Veritas soon realizes Ian’s devil-may-care, roguish image hides something much more powerful. And Ian discovers that Veritas has shocking secrets of her own. As they’re drawn to each other with a passion as intense as their peril, either love or justice will prevail. But each will have devastating consequences… 

Heroine Rating: Veritas

Shani: 🍑🍑🍑

Bridget: 🍑🍑🍑

Hero Rating: Ian

Shani: 🍆🍆🍆

Bridget: 🍆🍆🍆

McDreamy to Mc Steamy:

Shani: McSteamy

Bridget: McNasty

Classy to Nasty:


Favorite Lines in the Book:


At some point in the short amount of time we spent together.  I’d started to care for Ian, that was supremely stupid of me but it was still true. - Veritas

“I don’t know how many extra souls you have in you to burn through before you stay dead.” I told him in a calm voice. “But I’m going to find out.” - Veritas to demon


"Who was the real Ian? The carefree rogue who amused me despite myself? Or the dangerous man who set off all my inner alarm bells?"

Spade stared at me as if I fascinated him. “I’ve never seen someone shagged into a state of witlessness before.” “Then I pity your wife,” Ian snapped before I could give my own rude rejoinder. “Up your bedroom game, Charles, before Denise finds someone who will. More importantly”—his fangs came out as he snarled the rest—“the next person who insults her will get their mouth shoved up their own arse.”

Favorite Review:

Bridget’s from Goodreads:

Anna (Bobs Her Hair) 3.5 Stars

Ian was more than a swaggering hedonist in this novel. Jeanniene Frost added an interesting layer. Veritas was well-rounded, but her motivation for seeking a certain demon lacked something. Or maybe I should just go with the flow and believe her passion for vengeance burned bright for thousands of years. It was obvious how her past shaped her character but there seemed to be emotional distance despite being told Veritas feelings by the author.

Veritas and Ian’s relationship took unexpected turns. They had their moments. I wish their relationship didn’t feel so rushed. The intimacy Ian and Veritas shared also felt forced. [Veritas, a law guardian, blurting sectrets while inebriated didn’t seem in character. Who knew it would be this easy to get her to spill secrets that would cost lives?!!! (hide spoiler)]

If you’re searching for a paranormal romance then this is the book for you! If you’re hoping for an edgy urban fantasy then “Shades of Wicked” will fall short. Overall, this book is entertaining and somewhat on the light side.

Worth the Read?

Shani: ⭐⭐⭐ I was interested enough to want to read the next book and find out what happens to Ian and Veritas!

Bridget: ⭐⭐⭐ I think so if you like paranormal with a lot of action and comedy mixed into the sexual tension.

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Full Podcast Transcript


Welcome to Romance at a Glance, a podcast that uses romance novels to dive into candid conversations about life, relationship dynamics, and sexual desires. 

As hosts Bridget and Shani review books and interview some of romance’s biggest authors, they explore the breadth of the genre, openly embracing the sex, diverse couplings, and taboo in order to create a safe space for listeners to be exposed to different lifestyles, fantasies, and to pique their naughty curiosity.

Expect 100% honest reviews, spontaneous singing, life lessons, indecent anecdotes, and bawdy humor.

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